Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, September 12, 2016

living a good life

The study of philosophy aids greatly in living, despite not truly knowing. But Aristotle advises in how to live a good life. I think we all, given the one life we have, would like to be happy, and happiness could motivate us more than doing the right thing. Thus, Aristotle says to live virtuously in order to flourish, or eudaimon. One must flourish for a lifetime to have lived a good life. There is also the Golden Mean, in which virtue would be between two extremes. This can be difficult to achieve because each person would judge a behavior differently on the spectrum. How does an individual discern true virtue? I could maintain that I was enduring someone’s demands. Others could see me as stubborn. But I suppose all that matters is how you see yourself. There was discussion about moral education in the supplemental video and the podcast. Moral knowledge may be needed in society to be virtuous, but I don’t think there needs to be a set instruction in institutions to gain moral education.  All people have different moral codes, so moral knowledge is also dependent on personal experiences. In reference to the video, what does it mean to act “appropriately”? Again, this is subjective. Aristotle only discusses living a good life, how about when leaving it? Can this pursuit of virtue apply to life or death situations? Each person thinks about their last moments in a hopeful way. Painless, quick, etc. If it were a situation that could go between dying virtuously or living, what would be chosen? I would hope to leave virtuously, not afraid.

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