Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Weekly Runs summary

Remember, in your last substantive post* this week and every week, include a dated, itemized record of everything you've posted during the week. (And include your section #)For instance:

1. Mar 23 - posted [post's subject title]
2. Mar 23 - replied to [post's subject title]
3. Mar 24 - posted replies to two DQs in comments section under quiz
4. Mar 25 - posted three replies to others' comments, in comments section under quiz
5. Mar 26 - posted link to YouTube video on Spinoza . Total for week: 8 bases/2 runs

A *substantive post is a comment, question, link etc. It's not just "I got my 2 runs this week."

In addition to posting these summaries, keep track of your own totals so you can tell me at semester's end how many participation runs you believe you earned since the semester resumed.

Since we're not in class to mark the scorecard, it's essential that you do this. Otherwise you'll not receive your daily participation runs.


  1. Anonymous3:35 PM CDT

    March 24
    I posted on the "can the definition of a ward prove anything about the world?
    I replied to Dylan's Do you find the concept of originals in compelling...and if you were falsely imprisoned, tortured...
    I also replied to Anonymous Section 11's Does the concept of a never-ending struggle between good and evil appeal to you ?
    I also did the quiz questions
    DeJah Section 11

  2. March 24, 2020 : I posted replies to 3 DQ in comments section and post 1 quote about "Do NOT take anything for granted"
    March 26, 2020 :I posted replies to 4 DQ in comments
    Total for week: 8 bases = 2 runs
    Pau Khai Sec 11

  3. Anonymous1:38 AM CDT

    March 24
    I did the quiz
    Replied to- Dylan "Do you find the concept of..." and "if you were imprisoned..."
    Posted- Can the definition of a word prove anything about the world
    Replied to Anonymous "Does the concept of never-ending struggle..."

    March 26
    Replied- to three discussion post
    Virginia "aspects of nature..."
    Heather DQ "Can an individual be chained" (Posted)
    Replied- Brandon "Choose to renounce..."
    Alejandra "There isn't an inch..."

    So far from March 24 and 26 I have two runs each with a notch
    I believe in total I have 25 or some where close of runs.
    DeJah Hill
    Section 11

  4. March 24
    Answered 1 DQ
    replied to 3 comments

    March 26
    Answered 3 DQ's
    Replied to 1 comment

    Total- 8 bases = 2 runs
    section 5

  5. Conner Schmitz3:42 PM CDT

    Tuesday Mar 24 - 3 Comments w/ Prof. Oliver on Opening Day Pt. 2 Post

    Thursday Mar 26 - Uploaded Report, Commented on Nelson Mandela Post, & Commented on Free Will Comics!

    Friday Mar 27 - Commented on Prof. Oliver's upload of a NY Times article.

    Let's count this post as my 8th this time, ahaha.

    Total= 8 bases, two runs total!

  6. Tuesday March 24:
    1) answered discussion question in daily quiz
    2) answered discussion question in daily quiz
    3) commented on post in daily quiz
    4) commented on post in daily quiz
    Thursday March 26:
    1) answered discussion post in daily quiz
    2) commented on a discussion post in daily quiz
    3) commented on a discussion post in daily quiz
    4) commented on a discussion post in daily quiz

    total: 8 bases (two runs)

  7. Wasn't 100% on where to post my 2nd week of Runs? So I'll just drop them here for now and if I find it later, I'll post it there.

    Tues Mar 31 - Left a comment on a Montaigne post, and a comment about the reading w/ Prof. Oliver.

    Fri April 3 - Commented on list of philosophers twitters, commented on COVID-19 News headline post.

    1. Conner Schmitz12:46 PM CDT

      This was Conner Schmitz!!! ^^^ One run total this week

  8. Anonymous12:36 AM CDT

    March 31
    I did the quiz
    posted "How do you define knowledge..."
    Replied to Erin "Do you engage in magical thinking..."
    Pau "How do you define..."
    Unknown "Do you agree..."

    April 2
    did the quiz
    posted "why do you think people..."
    replied to Rob "even if there's a logical..." 6:45 pm
    Issac "why do you think people praise..." 11:29 pm
    Guillermo "is it reasonable to except the sun to rise..." 8:26 pm
    Section 11
    DeJah Hill
    Total of 2 runs this week

  9. Sec. 11

    Mar. 24: I posted 2 comments to the Quiz (LH 6-8; FL 21) and 1 DQ (“Is it better to embrace (or renounce) religious faith…”).
    Mar. 26: I posted 2 comments to the Quiz (LH 13-14; FL 25-26) and 2 DQ (“Do you agree with Spinoza…” and “The word of God is faulty…”).

  10. Anonymous3:36 AM CDT

    April 7
    I did the quiz
    posted "Do art, literature, and music..."
    replied to Miguel "Can we learn lessons from history..."
    Malachi "If we could somehow know that the world..."
    Isaac "Do you think we all wear conceptual..."

    April 9
    posted "Would you worship, or even respect..."
    replied to Anna "What makes your life..."
    Maksym "What would persuade you that a person..."
    Jake "Why are Americans so much more religious..."

    Total of two runs and one notch
    So far I have a total of 30 runs

    DeJah Hill
    Section 11

  11. Anonymous12:06 AM CDT

    April 14
    posted on one DQ's
    replied to three DQ's comments

    April 16
    posted on one DQ's
    replied to three DQ's comments

    collected runs at the end of the week: 2 runs
    total all together so far 32 runs

    DeJah Hill
    Section 11

  12. 1. Replied to camus annoys syphus apr 18
    2. Replied to philosophy funny apr 18
    3. Replied to two DQ apr 18
    Unsure of total runs but here is one run. section 4

  13. Anonymous3:42 AM CDT

    April 23

    did the quiz
    posted "should we be silent..."
    replied Pablo at 11:31 pm
    Sam Miller at 12:27 pm
    Dylan at 2:38 pm

    April 21

    did the quiz
    posted "What's your essence..."
    replied to Dylan at 2:29 pm
    Miguel Angel at 11:00 am
    Isaac Ibarra at 8:23 am

    collected runs at the end of the week: 2 runs plus 2 notches
    total: 34 runs plus two notches

    DeJah Hill
    Section 11

  14. Anonymous10:33 PM CDT

    April 28th
    posted on "Is "maybe" the best answer to the question of life's being worth living?"
    commented on :
    Isaac Ibarra7:01 PM CDT
    Malachi9:04 AM CDT
    Connor Coughran1:01 PM CDT

    collected runs: 1 run
    total: 35 runs plus two notches

    DeJah Hill
    Section 11


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