Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Section 14, Group 3

Ok, now this is just starting to get annoying.... -_- It still wont let me post on the website.
Anyway here we go again. [Anybody have any suggestions for Michelle as to what she can try doing to solve this problem? JPO]

Section 14, Group 3

F:  Neill disagrees that the "sole motivation for human action is the pursuit of pleasure".
A: True

D:  Neill says that people see horror as entertainment rather than insight. While the audience watches tragedies for insight, he compares horror to that of a roller-caoster ride when it comes to the emotions it evokes out of the people. Do you agree with his view of the difference between tragedy and horror?

Michelle Lee

1 comment:

  1. blake taylor12:17 PM CST

    I do believe it is tragic that we almost seem to enjoy seeing tragedy. such as when you pass an accident you wonder and at times seem to hope you see something terrible. I still believe we would fill the roman colosseum if it were still around. its almost human nature.

    I'm in section 13 group 3 btw.


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