Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

7 and 1/2 Americans (Gr. 2 Section 19)

Our philosopher for this session will be Barry C. Smith. His philosophy revolves around the tastes of wine and how we each have our own individual preferences about this particular drink. 


  1. Factual: does Barry think that we should depend solely on what an expert in wine tasting tells us as our own taste?

    Discussion: Is wine really that important of a subject in the first place to discuss?

  2. So I cannot find my group's post (Sec 19 Gr.1) so i picked this post just because it was first when I logged on.

    De Botton
    FQ: What is good Architecture doing, according to de Botton?
    -Suggesting about good behavior
    DQ: Do you agree that "good art can make us good people"?

  3. Could our taste in wine and taking an expert wine taster's opinion be seen as a metaphor for letting someone else with a more prestigious reputation affect or opinion? Should we let them make decisions for us, or choose for ourselves?

  4. Zane Swan12:54 PM CST

    (F) According to Smith, is the taste of wine subjective?

    (D) Does wine help or hinder the philosophical thinking process? Why?

  5. (F) Is the taste of wine, specific to the drinker ? (YES)

    (D) Is the taste of wine, specific to the drinker ?

  6. Brittany Ross11:08 AM CST

    F: T or F ; Did Barry Smith believe that there might be standards of taste?
    D: Is tasting wine a personal experience?


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