Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Autodidactic Section 14 Group 1---(Alain de Botton)

The reading on De Button was very controversial. The chapter basically restated the popular expression of "beauty being in the eye of the beholder." De Button in particular happened to find "beauty" in buildings among other things. I believe that De Button's purpose in the chapter was to inform readers that even the smallest, seemingly unimportant aspects of the world can affect an individual's life in ways beyond simply serving as decorations.


1. What is good architecture a suggestion about?
2. Do you believe that an individual can find beauty anywhere?


  1. Paul Montgomery (14)1:02 AM CST

    F: What does De Botton place value in?

    D: What is De Botton's Atheist 2.0 book?

  2. Journey Button1:45 PM CST

    I posted on the old entry so I'm posting it again here.

    Hello again Everyone!

    Just finished the chapter on Alain de Botton and loved it. I felt like the chapter had many interpretations, it could be taken literally, buildings are an art form, they portray many things and have a lot of expectations to uphold. Buildings seem to be the most useful art that exists in our world. They do so many things but at the same time can be a symbol of infinite creativity. Another way I saw this chapter was taking the concept of buildings and applying to everything, like people (which was mentioned in the chapter as well). I feel like people have uses and needs. People have jobs and expectations to fulfill. People are art though. We are all different and all beautiful. We all of different way of seeing things and being seen. I know my repines to this chapter isn't exactly a "summary of the chapter" but this is what I thought about while reading. One thing that really jumped out at me in this chapter was the question "can beauty be taken too seriously?" I can't wait to discuss this with you guys in class tomorrow!

    Discussion: Can beauty be taken too seriously?

    Factual: What was the best selling book that De Botton wrote?

    See you guys tomorrow!


  3. Katie Brown1:57 PM CST

    F: True or false, De Botton believed more in beauty then in science.

    D: Do you find yourself agreeing more with De Botton's ideas on life, or do you find yourself leaning away from them more?

  4. Journey Button1:48 AM CST

    Hi Everyone! I know this topic is from last week but I'm using it as my "port."

    John Cottingham! I love his way of responding to questions. I know that sounds odd but he is very diplomatic and doesn't speak in a "I know the truth" kind of way. Moving on to the dealt topic, "The Meaning of Life," such a daunting subject! I feel like Cottingham did an excellent job watering down such a vast subject and paying attention to they key elements. Human existence is fragile. So we all fear death? According to Cottingham, Yes. We also fear things that jeopardize our stability in any way like illnesses and old age. We often look to philosophy or philosophers for pathways we should take but we can't completely map things out. Cottingham says we are never in complete control of everything and I agree with that. Cottingham then says how he doesn't think a selfish life is meaningful one and how we're all looking for something more spiritual. He says how we should be hopeful and not optimistic, meaning don't see everything as better but want it and work towards it. We also need to admit our dependency. Humans are not loners we need each other and we need philosophy.

    For me, I agree with Cottingham's philosophies of the meaning of life. He does't necessarily give a solid answer but he gives the guidelines which humans respond well to.

    Factual: What greek myth does Cottingham use as an example for life struggles?

    Discussion: What gives life value?

    See you all Tuesday!


  5. Courtney Darsey9:50 PM CST

    De Botton looked at buildings more than just pieces of material put together to let someone have shelter, but something more than that. Something beautiful and meaningful. He believed other architects saw buildings as beautiful, but never admitted to it. They claimed the buildings were not art, but just architectural things.
    Factual- What did De Botton believe had a claim on human kind?
    Discussion- Do you believe buildings can be beautiful, art, and architect?


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