Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

7 and 1/2 Americans (Gr. 2 Sect. 19)

Today we talked about the philosophy behind not reacting to things in order to survive in a stoic manner. The example from the book was that of an island inhabited by savages who had to learn to get along and cope with what they had. We didn't really understand what they were talking about that much but we decided the only logical meaning of the example was to symbolize the harshest conditions where a person would most likely be put to the ultimate test of self control and self preservation. 
After we realized this we talked about self control and how most people in our society today don't possess this and really need to in order to make the world a better place. 


  1. Brandon Lowery1:36 PM CST

    What is the key to living well according to Lachs?

    A: control over yourself

    What is the main difference between stoicism and pragmatism?

  2. Brittany Ross9:15 AM CST

    F:Who speaks of the ideal of meeting all needs? James

    D:Do you think that this radical distinction between the stoic and the pragmatist is misleading and inaccurate


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