Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Autodidactic Section 14 Group 1

Today, November 20, 2012, Group 1 had the pleasure of discussing philosopher Cottingham in great detail. The main topic of today's class discussion was of course the "meaning of life". One "meaning of life" that we happened to go in depth about with Dr. Oliver was the concept of "hope". We also shared our interpretations of the story of Sisyphus and his great task, amongst ourselves. Upon closing, we realized that ultimately, an individual's life becomes "meaningful" and "worthy" when those said individuals put their best efforts forth towards achieving his/her own personal level of happiness.


  1. Katie Brown2:09 PM CST

    I really enjoyed this group discussion, It brought a realization to me of what the "meaning of life" really is. And in my own opinion I agree with Cottingham... Its just doing things that you love to do and putting your best effort to it. Pretty much just do what makes you happy! :)

  2. Tonight's reading was very interesting. I loved reading the different sections that managed to relate to one another. It was a fun approach to philosophy!
    1. What are empiricists committed to?
    2. What do you think of Stoic pragmatism?

  3. Journey Button1:38 AM CST

    Hey everyone!

    Finally, a new book! This was a slightly tougher read but still quite enjoyable.

    I liked how the chapter was broken into sections. Each section made it's own point with it's own research but still related to the whole chapter. While it was a small section of all of the information I read, I enjoyed the ethics piece. Ethics seem, to me, to be one of the greatest philosophical controversies. What is "right and wrong"? no one can really say. I like how John Lachs addressed so many views in such a short section. It was merely confirmation of what we already studied but I still find the impossibility of a finite answer extremely intriguing. I liked how the next section was disagreement (a perfect addition to ethics). Lachs then breaks down philosophy with other subjects, like how philosophers behave like scientists and how religion is based on the past and philosophy is about discovering the future.

    I really enjoy the writing style, it is persuasive but still gives clear examples of other ideas.

    Factual: Whose "grande system of ideas" does Lachs say "set the tone, the terms, and the method of one major philosophy."?

    Discussion: It made me curious so I am sticking with the chapter one title, What can philosophy do to make life better?

    See you guys tomorrow!


  4. Courtney Darsey11:20 AM CST

    This chapter seemed like a slight review in the beginning with Plato! Well, I am not sure how I feel about this book just yet, but the chapter was interesting.

    Factual- What was Plato meaning when he referred to an "eros" ?
    Discussion- Do you believe the Empiricists were right with their belief of "nothing as legitimately in the mind that was not first in the senses"?


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