Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Section 13 Group 2

For today November 13, group 2 was supposed to read about John Searle.  He believes that computers are not intelligent and can not think on their own.  They simply have memorized and respond with the correct answer.   I believe this to be true as well.  We as humans think and choose by emotion, though we try to reason, emotion always plays a key role.  My questions are: Discussion- if computers could think for themselves, how would this change the world we are living in?  factual- Does Searle think that computers have a mind of their own or no?


  1. Anonymous7:05 PM CST

    Kaitlyn Alexander Sec.13 Group 1
    Our group hasn't posted yet, so I am posting here. Turing had an interesting way of thinking. Believing that computers had their own mind and can think on their own is just crazy to me. I believe that computers and software are made to look that way to people, especially today. An example of this is Siri from the iPhone.
    F: what is the Turing test?
    D: why do you believe technology is made to look like it has a mind of its own?

  2. Jacob Williams8:29 PM CST

    So this Smith guy comes across to me as just a big snob with all his fancy wine and whatnot.

    F- Smith believes the idea that we can't be right and everything is subjective is mistaken.
    D- Do you think philosophy can be derived from wine tasting?


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