Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Matt Zumwalt Questions and Responses

I've been having trouble finding my group's posts so I'm just going to post my questions and reactions to the last few readings here

Williamson (PB)

Williamson deals with the problem of vagueness and makes a good case for more exact language which would eliminate this problem.  however, i think vagueness is a necessary evil and is impossible to completely eliminate. 

FQ: Is vagueness synonymous with unspecificity?
DQ: Can vagueness be eliminated without completely altering the fundamentals of the english language?

Matravers (PB)

Matravers takes on the idea that anything can be art if an artist produces it.  I agree that arbitrary definitions of art are pointless and cheapen art as a whole, but I also believe that no one person or group of people possess the ability to define art satisfactorily.  We must be able to debate the merits of pieces of art if the artistic community is to prosper and grow.

FQ: Which French thinker invented the category of fine arts?
DQ: Can art be defined? How can one limit the category of art without stifling creativity?

Singer (PB)

Singer presents a logical and ethical argument concerning the morality of killing and eating animals.  He presents his viewpoints very rationally and does not rely on shameless moralizing like so many other animal rights advocates.  I agree with him that any unnecessary suffering is a tragedy and should be avoided at all costs.

FQ: Does Singer think that it is always ethically indefensible to eat an animal?
DQ: Are our lifestyles dependent on the suffering of other organisms? Can we change the way we think about ourselves in relation to the animal kingdom?

Grayling (PB)

Grayling lays out his case for atheism in an unapologetic and uncompromising fashion.  it is refreshing to see someone discuss the subject of religion without constant kowtowing to the sensibilities of the religious.  Grayling focuses primarily on the shortcomings of arguments meant to prove the existence of an all-powerful, all-good god and in doing so, reveals the limits of monotheistic religious thought.

FQ: What term does Grayling prefer instead of "atheist"?
DQ: What evidence is there to prove that God exists? Is blind faith a commendable attribute or a detriment to society?

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