Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Socrates      GROUP 4, SECTION 11

Socrates believed reason could be used to discover social perspective as well as truth about life in many forms. He felt that we must look beyond what “shadows” us and seek truth of a higher knowledge. He argued reason to people who he felt only had knowledge of someone else’s experience. He brought simple reason into the conversation and caused the person or people to think about how they came up with their generalization. In that day and time or era it caused social doubt. It caused people that were always right to be questioned by a small growing number of people who normally just accepted what these right people were about.
January 2012

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth Barnard
    Discussion Question: Why do you think that Socrates thought his fellow citizens especially the uneducated ones were morons?
    Fact: When did Socrates say “I would rather die than give up philosophy”? ANSWER: To the jury about his execution.


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