Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, February 27, 2012

Midterm: Blog #2 Philosophy and Social Media

While Facebook has become increasingly popular, I believe Twitter has been just as big of a hit here recently than ever before.  Twitter, in my opinion, has been the new sensation of our generation, specifically.  I think it is beginning to exceed Facebook in many ways; however, just like Facebook, it has many pros and cons.  
Twitter is basically designed to answer the question, “what are you doing?”  People connect through Twitter by reposting other’s tweet to give them credit by “retweeting” them.  Also, throughout Twitter, incase you didn’t already know you have the ability to follow people such as friends, celebrities or even companies.  This allows you to receive updates on what they’re doing or recent events that are going on right now or in the near future etc.
Some people view Twitter as their news source which could either be a good or bad thing.  Good because people find this an easier way to get their information, but bad because what if information is wrong.  Perhaps the subject is about a political debate.  Obviously, people are going to post their opinions via Twitter and whether you follow them or not is whether you receive that information.  One post could influence your entire decision that you make.  It can alter your views entirely of a candidate depending on how much you confide in that person/celebrity etc.  Do you think we do this on a daily basis just in a normal environment? 
I definitely think that you look up to certain people in your life such as family members etc.  You’re always going to confide in them and trust in them.  They can sway your decisions either way.  I think by even reading people’s mood can have an influence on your mood for the day.  Say it is a gloomy day and raining outside.  People always tend to write “gah I wish today would be over with already”, “campus is flooded again!! Go figure”  Things such as that can have a toll on your mood just by reading them.  So how much do you think we rely on each other?  I think sometimes people can influence us a little too much and we don’t stand up for our own rights.  If enough people can convince us it is the right thing to do, you will agree that it’s the right thing to do even though it is completely wrong.  It definitely brings you into another person’s life and can have an effect on how you view that person.  You learn more about them and almost expect them to tweet something comical, boring or absolutely pointless, but you enjoy reading it for whatever reason.  It can also kill an image or company just by one person saying one negative thing.  Companies should almost have a person to regulate this because it can be a social uprising if it starts “trending”, then all hell breaks loose.
Why are you on Twitter?  What purpose do you serve on Twitter?  Just because everyone else is doing it?  Is it good or bad or perhaps you like to be nosey and just be in the loop of things.  I’m not going to lie I’m a Twitter fanatic and love being all up in the business, so feel free to follow me :)

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