Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Section 9, Group 5 Exam Questions

How did Marx begin his career?
As a Romantic poet.

Who is William James' brother and what was he famous for?
His brother, Henry James, was a novelist.

What does post modernism suggest?

Western philosophy has run its course.

The main thought/fear to Postmodernism is what?
That it is the death of philosophy.

What did James want ideas to have?
Cash value

Who was the ultimate philosophical champion of the enlightenment and where did he emerge from?
Immanuel Kant (Germany)

Which Noble Truth did Arthur Schopenhaur (1788-1860) borrow from Buddhism?
He embraced the first Noble Truth: "life is essentially suffering" (PW 101).

What book did Smith write that was considered the bible of capitalism?
An Inquiry into the Causes of the Wealth of Nations.

What is the term for the belief that entities throughout nature are endowed with souls, often the souls of ancestors that have been forgotten?

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