Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Midterm post 3: Star wars- Dark Jedi

The dark jedi were individuals that were sensitive to the force but did not use the light side of the force. However, they did not follow the sith's dark side either. The did use dark force but they were more loners and never really formed any extremely large groups. Dark jedi were mainly fallen or rogue jedi, or leftovers from the ancient sith. They were notoriously dangerous and unstable. One of the most renown af these dark jedi was Jerec

The Dark Jedi was truely similar to the sith in many ways such as the sacrificing of other dark jedi to turn the good jedi to the dark side. Jerec sacrifices his master Maw to exploit young jedi Kyle's anger. For the Dark Jedi also believed that anger helped lead to power and control of the force.

The only real differences between the sith and the dark jedi was that the sith like the jedi had there secrets that they past down such as manipulating midi-chlorians. Also, the sith was a known organization that had been around for centuries and dark jedi though several became known never had a huge orginization and usually had smaller groups such as Jerec's.

information  from http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

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