Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

3rd post Midterm -Emily Russell Section 11

Are you the problem or are you the answer? That is the question I tend to ask myself on an everyday basis, especially if I encounter a situation that has either upset me or put me in a situation that I may not wanted to be associated with. When I hear people debating the topic of Christianity and their beliefs, the most common question I hear is "If there was a God, why would he allow people to go through traumatic situations. I believe though, that God does not control any of that, and that with each decision we make, it is one step closer to either a good path, or a path that one would not want to experience. I also believe that suffering and death is a natural occurrence of life, and it is also used as teaching methods to others. In my past two posts I talked about the importance of "free will" and also how I believe that meditation can help people with everyday struggles and finding out who they truly are. I think all three of these topics can tie together, and are helpful to me in finding out my own identity, and ultimately reach my Nirvana. The comic below relates to the question that I find myself asking a lot, and makes me think of how in everyday life I may sometimes be a part of the problem, or the solution.

I personally find myself over analyzing situations and have figured out that just because society says something is one thing, do not mean it is necessarily that thing, and that each individual should work each day to discover how they interrupt things, and this relates to free will, and how important free will is in determining ones potential.  Meditation is a method that people can use to help them reach this state and happiness of being content. The cartoon to the right, shows the importance of having your own opinion! I think that if you keep these three things in mind with every decision you make, you will find yourself feeling more confident and happier about finally free will.

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