Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Section 8: Group 1's Factual Questions

Here's all our awesome factual questions!

1. Factual Question: What is a prominent mystical tradition within Islam? Sufism

2. What are some virtues that Aristotle believed to make a person an excellent human being? Courage, Temperance, Sense of justice, Sense of humor.

3.  Where is the first place Jesus doubts God?
A: Gethsemane

4.  As an atomist, Bertrand Russell attempted to break down the complexity of the human experience and the world into what he called what? "atomic" bits

5. Fact question: What was Edmund Husserl's method of philosophical inquiry called? Phenomenology

6.  What was Ludwig Wittgenstein's book that he wrote that was published in 1921? Tractatus Logico-Philospjicus

7. What did Alfred Whitehead believe the point of Philosophy was?
To rationalize mysticism.

8. Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a famous fictional epic containing the name of a persian prophet titled?
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

9. What is utilitarianism?
A: Utilitarianism is a philosophy in which the maximization of personal happiness is the ultimate end of mankind. 

10. What does Hegel insist about knowledge?
A: It develops.

11. Who was the founder of skepticism? David Hume

12. :What is the primary player in Kants philosophy? Reason

13. What did Kant believe self was?
"The transcendental ego

14. What inspired Kant to join the Enlightenment movement? David Hume's skepticism

15. What was Descartes most famous claim? "I think, therefore I am."

16.  What is "Pantheism?"
A: Pantheism is the idea that god and the universe are one and the same.

17. : What did Thomas Aquinas define God as?
A: The Prime Mover

18.  In buhddism, What is the condition of enightment without misery known as? Nirvana

19. Who was the first philosopher to come up with the idea of "atom"? Democritis

20. What was the most important virtue in society according to Confucius? Good Leadership

21.  How long ago was the first historical record of doubt?

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