Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, March 26, 2012

11/3 Spinoza

Just some keynotes on Spinoza:
-admirer of Descartes and Bruno
-raised Jewish
-excommunicated for his thoughts that did not correlate with Judaism
-believed superstition was due to the up-down nature of our lives
-thoought the universe was all just an unfolding of geometric axioms and laws
-everything was predetermined
-live a virtuous life for sake of virtue itself, not for its effects on our afterife

Factual: Who, along with Spinoza, was a prominent 17th century atheist?
Discussion: Do you agree with Spinoza that neither humans nor God have free will? Is it possible for nothing in this universe to have free will?


  1. 1) Factual: What was Spinoza's work called? Ethics

    2) Discussion: If God's are also lacking free will, is because they're modeled after humans instead of the usually accepted opposite.

  2. Because I am a Christian that believes in having faith and believes in the will God, I would have to disagree with Spinoza. Spinoza also said that there couldn't be any miracles, that they "do not make sense". Based off of faith and my beliefs, I disagree with this as well.

    For next class:
    Fact- According to Hume, what can you get by doing good?
    A: Peace of mind and praise from others

    Discussion- Based off of Hume's interpretation, is there a reason to believe in cause and effect?

    1. I agree with spinoza when he says that there is not miracles, I really believe in the cause and effect, or if anyone has seen the butterfly effect with ashton kutcher, thats how I believe the world goes round so-to-speak. what we call everyday miracles is bound to happen by chance if given the number of times something happens, kind of like winning the lottery. I know the so called miracles can't always be explained easily, but sometimes thats because of our own ignorance. there are many things we cant explain in this world and we don't call those things miracles. thats just a brief look into how I view miracles.

      question time.
      1.) Spinoza was viewed as an atheist during his time and after t/f?
      answer: True

      2.)spinoza believed god's thought did not make the world, god is his thought, and the god thought is the world?
      answer: true

  3. I disagree with both neither god nor us has free will. I believe that god made us in his image and part of that image was free will. If we did not have free will there would be no reason to do anything because everything would be predetermined for us to do making us robots of sorts.

  4. I believe we do have freewill. As for the God part I'm still questioning it because of personal issues. Growing up in a super Christian family I went Sunday school and bible studies and they told me that God gave us freewill but he also decided our path before we were born....That confused the hell outta me. But when I asked questions I never got a true solid answer and that's how I feel about the whole faith. I have the freewill to go left or right, up or down, and there's not going to be an outside force that stops me from doing so.

  5. Spinoza simply had a pessimistic view overall. I cant agree with any of his notions. They all are detrimental to my beliefs.


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