Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, March 26, 2012

Section 9-Group 1. March 26th Post.

Today we discussed the Scientific Revolution. Any mark or difference could be a mark of imperfection. We also discussed Bale and his dictionary which became the "Bible" for doubters, as well as a guide for the rather perplexed. Curiosity and common sense help scientists to reinforce their egos for doubting. In the book it says that everyone's religion is accustomed to the country in which they live in. We all agreed this is less than true because as we become a more globalized society, more rational, and more scientific, people are deciding on their own what they prefer their religious views to be rather than following the specific views of their family. Also, we talked about Newton. Newton dabbled in alchemy and the dark arts. J.M.H. called him the first physicist and the last magician.

Fact Question: The scientific revolution is an era primarily associated with what 2 centuries?
Answer: 16th and 17th

Discussion Question: Would you agree with the proclamation made in "Theophrastus Redivivus" that all philosophers are and always have been atheists?


  1. No, I completely disagree. I think that is one of the most uneducational assumptions I have heard in a long time. Just because someone philosophizes does not mean they are atheists. Anyone can question anything they want to without being an atheist. I question religion on an almost daily basis, there's a lot about it that confuses me...however, I do not consider myself an atheist. I believe in God. I just don't understand God, nor religion.

    For 3/28:

    Fact Question: What ideas did the enlightenment oppose?

    Answer: Superstition, intolerance, and abuses in church and state

    Discussion Question: According to Kant, The Enlightenment was "Mankind's final coming of age, the emancipation of the human consciousness from an immature state of ignorance and error." Do you agree or disagree with this claim?

  2. I believe that philosophising does not neccessarily mean you are aethiest or that you don't have a religion. I do not think that anything different is a sign of imperfection. There is no such thing as perfection to me. Maybe the things that are different are suppossed to be that way for a reason. People may not understand why but that may be because god doesn't want you to. If you can understand something then you have the ability to manipulate or change it. Therefor, Certain things are better left not understood anyways.

    For 3/28:

    Fact Question: What is enlightenment?

    Answer: A spiritual Connection

    Discussion Question: Can anyone truely reach the enlightened stage?

  3. Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.
    -Albert Einstein
    Einstein bridged the gap between philosophy, science, and religion. He was able to reconcile science and reason with religion by accepting that, although he was the most brilliant man of our time, there were some things that even he couldn't understand everything, especially when it came to spirituality.

    Fact: When did the Age of Enlightenment occur? (In Europe)
    Answer: 18th Century

    Discussion: The enlightenment promoted the use of reason and science in the pursuit of a better society. How do you think the Christian Church (and other religious organizations, of course, but mostly the Roman Catholic Church) handled this time period?

  4. I don't believe the two have to be mutually exclusive. As long as the philosopher doesn't allow himself to question things that would upset his faith (a practice that many upheld), they could endlessly ponder the simpler things in life. Philosophy is a search for truth, but doesn't have to include the nature of the entire universe.

    Fact: Bayle started what journal that allowed the Enlightenment to be a social act?
    Answer: Republic of letters.

    Discussion: Many aspects of the Enlightenment consisted of a departure from normal thinking about both religion and society. Was this truly the next "enlightened" step for humanity?

    1. I disagree with Kant that The Enlightenment was mankind's final coming of age. I believe we are still mostly ignorant, and a greater awakening is still to come. Slavery wasn't abolished until hundreds of years after the Enlightenment, nor could women vote. At the time of Kant's "coming of age", the thought of a black man as the leader of a world power was laughable... Much has changed since, and an even greater revolution is sure to come...

      Fact Question: What famous philosopher was grandfather of the great Romantic composer Felix Mendelssohn?

      Answer: Moses Mendelssohn.

      Discussion Question: According to Napoleon, religion was a means of keeping the poor from murdering the rich. Where do you think we would be without religion?


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