Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Section 8 Group 5 March 14

FQ: What was Nicholas required to do with all of his writings?
A: He was forced to burn them.

There really is not much information about Nicholas, due to the fact that none of his writings survived. But we did discuss his situation in relation to freedom of speech and the fact that he mentioned the ideas of others only to contradict him. And we briefly discussed whether or not we thought he was a skeptic.

DQ: Do you believe that, "We can never be certain if two rational notions are causally related, no matter how well they seem to link"?


  1. F: Copernicus published a book called __________________________________
    A: On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres

    Discussion: Do you believe that humanity is the center of everything?

  2. I forgot to respond to the discussion question...I really don't think that you can determine if two are causally related. You can't make assumptions and most of us do.

  3. I think Nicholas was most likely a skeptic. He holds the characteristics of the personality. Plus the fact that he felt the need to contradict and question- not that that's always a bad thing- everyone else's ideas paints him as one.

    Now I don't believe in coincidence, but I'm also not so sure that we can be sure of the causal relationship between Everything. Just because one idea seems to link to another doesn't mean that they are necessarily connected but it's certainly possible.

  4. Hey, I won't be in class today. My mom isn't feeling well. So one of you guys will need to take over today's post. Thanks.

  5. I think that the idea of two rational notions are related and many things support that they affect each other, to say otherwise is absurd.

    Factual: What view did Copernicus pick up while in Italy?
    Answer: Neoplatonism

    Discussion: If humanity isn't the center of everything, then what is? How does this impact us?

  6. Fact: Why was Copernicus sent to Italy? A: to study medicine

    discussion: Why do you think Copernicus sat around thinking about where the planets were?

  7. Nicholas was a hard person to figure out and there are so many questions to be answered. I want to know why he had to burn his writings and if he was a skeptic or not.

    Q. Why was Copernicus sent to Italy?
    A. To study medicine and serve as a private doctor for his uncle.

    Q. How do you feel about Copernicus not believing in the system he described?


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