Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, March 12, 2012

Group 1, Section 9

Falsafah is the Arabic philosophy that is a direct outgrowth of Greek philosophy. It was brought to the Arabic thinkers in the 9th century.

Fact question: "Falsafah" is a Greek word that can be translated to-
Answer: Philosophy

Discussion: Falsafah eventually spread from the Islamic nations to the Christian West, bringing with it the knowledge of the Greeks, Hindus, and pre-Islamic peoples. How has this impacted our modern philosophy, and more importantly ourentire civilization?


  1. A person who tries to interpret Islam though rationalist philosophy was called a __________

    Answer: Faylasuf

    Discussion: Is it right that philosophy has been considered a great threat to religion and regarded as highly suspicious by Islamics? Or do you think philosophy is dangerous to religion?

  2. ^^^^^^^ That was me.....BRITTANY ALEXANDER

  3. A faylasaf's philosophy could be considered ___.
    Answer: rationalist

    Discussion: Are philosophy and religion the same thing?

  4. Fact Question: Who is sometimes regarded as the most influential muslim second to Muhammad?

    A: Al-Ghazali

    Discussion Question: Do you believe we are living through a new "Islamic Awakening" in the Middle East?


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