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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Section 9, Group 4- Al Ghazzali

In class on Monday, we discussed Al-Ghazzali. He strived to know God and wrote two books in trying to do so. He focused mainly on Aristotle and the philosophical problems he found with his propositions. He rejected the idea of philosophy and any other concept of truth he had encountered. He also believed that if someone was not smart enough to study and understand philosophy, they should not.

Factual question: What two books did Al-Ghazzali write?
The Opinions of the Philosohpers and The Incoherence of the Philosophers

Discussion question: Do you think that if a person is not "smart enough" to understand a concept that you should totally keep them away from that idea?


  1. I don't think that anybody is ever "smart enough" I feel that a big part of philosophy is how much you work towards understanding it, depriving anyone from doing so might slowly make philosophy disappear if everyone is not smart enough.

    1. who stated" reason could not penetrate beyond the world of sense experience"?
      Duns Scotus
      Skeptics believed one can never be certain if two rational notions are casually related, no matter how well they link?
      With so many studies conducted every year by universities, scientist, researchers etc,in the present world what do you think the skeptics would say to their findings?

  2. How do you measure someone's capability of grasping a concept without introducing it to them at all?It seems impossible to know what someone is capable of without seeing them try to familiarize themselves with the topic in the first place.

    Factual: What was Ockham's famous question and the answer?
    "How much can reason know faith?"
    Not at all.

    Discussion: Do you feel that giving the simplest answer, in all things, is necessarily the right way to go about explaining and answering things?

  3. if we withhold information from people who are not smart enough,
    how will they ever learn? People sometimes enjoy learning new things, or even enjoy a challenge. People should always be able to learn something new. and if they are not where
    they should intelligence wise, then we should help them reach a higher level of intelligence.

  4. I think that no one has a right to say that anyone is not smart enough to learn about philosophy. People should be able to make their own decision about what they want to hear.

    Fact: What was one of Ockham's contributions to logic?
    "Ockham's razor," which called for using the simplest explanation possible in all things.
    Discussion: Do you think that reason and faith can ever work together?

  5. I think every person should be allowed to learn or obtain knowledge. I also believe everyone should be able to state their opinion no matter how unintelligent/stupid they are, we just have to be smart enough to notice if the person making these statements are unintelligent or not so we can for our own opinion of them!

    (Factual) - What's another name for Ockhams Razor?
    A: Law of Economy of Law of Parsimony

    (Discussion) - Is there a situation where faith can trump reason?


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