Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Group 4 (16) Renaissance and Reformation

The Reformation was the movement devoted to the moral reform of Christianity.Martin Luther was the leader in this reform and reiterated a new emphasis on faith. Before Luther, the Catholic church had convinced its believers that they could buy their forgiveness by paying for indulgences. These indulgences were considered to be the way to salvation.

Our group discussed the importance of the reform and of Martin Luther's actions. We concluded that these actions of the church were immoral and that Christianity at the time was more of an institution than a faith. We talked about the comparison to 19th century ideology that social elite/wealthy have an advantage in finding salvation.

Our question is : Can you work to get salvation?

-This is a very subjective question and should be answered accordingly so that we can generate discussion.


  1. I think that you absolutely cannot work to gain salvation. The only thing required for salvation is faith in God, at least to me. I think it is important to do good works on earth during your time here, and that God appreciates righteous actions and dedicated servants, but God will not favor you in the afterlife if you do more good works than others.

    We also discussed the idea of predestination. Calvin was a prominent advocate of this opinion, holding that God had already chosen the saved and the damned. I disagree with this idea because we have the choice of free will. We therefore have a choice between believing or not believing in a god, doing good works or not doing them. Although this thought is a little scary, we also touched on the fact that there is a possibility that everything in fact is predetermined in life, and that there is only the illusion of free will, as in the Matrix films. That thought absolutely terrifies me because it means that whatever higher being exists has pre-planned all evil and suffering in the world. I hate to think that I am subjected to the will of such a cruel and malicious God.

  2. I don't think you can work get salvation. We discussed Social Darwinism that occurred during Reconstruction in America and how they taught it in churches that if you were in middle class or were richer than most, that meant you were blessed by God and that eventually the lower class would be weeded out, and that the blessed ones should not help the lower class because that might jeopardize their predestined place in heaven. This is ridiculous. You cannot be predestined if you have free will.

  3. I believe that one can work to attain salvation. Salvation to me is a form of liberation where when one passes away the soul can attain liberation based on one's actions during their lifetime. This is kind of like Karma. Good deeds earn good rewards. But good deeds isn't simply enough. One must also prove that they are faithful in their religion, be it what it may. Many people say they are true followers but a sincere devotee of god will always attain salvation.

  4. I believe that a person can reach salvation through doing good works. However I believe that these good works have to be done because of kindness and not because of other ulterior motives such as being rewarded for them. Which kind of means that in order to reach salvation through good works (If it is possible) can only be done if you do not expect to reach salvation through them.

  5. I am very skeptical when it comes to the idea of "salvation." The enitre premise behind salvation is all faith based. Faith has lead people into this thinking without evidence. The whole idea of people working to get into heaven is a fallacy and caters to many peoples fear of death. Our faiths and religions have been made up explain things, when no one else can.

    Christianity has come a long way since the reformation, and now you don't have to buy your way into heaven. Although I believe it is just as wishful to think that there is a certain code to get in.

  6. This is also to suggest that the only people doing good deeds or working towards the greater good, are people of faith.

  7. What do you all mean by "salvation"?

  8. hey guys, im sorry I've tried looking for this weeks post twice now and so Im thinking im just not seeing it? Is it on here?


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