Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Group 2 (16) Early Indian Philosophy

While we had little time to discuss our topic, we posed some important questions. Our discussion focused on the differences between the polytheistic Hinduism and the monotheistic Christianity in relation to the problem of evil.

Our factual question:
What is the earliest Vedas?
(Answer: Rg Veda. Can be found on page 10 of PW)

Our discussion questions:
What are the pros/cons of having three gods as opposed to one in relation to the problem of evil?
The three gods of Hinduism combined are omnipotent: How does this differ from the Christian God?

(Hey guys - Don't forget to think of some cool names for our group!)


  1. I dont know if this was discussed or not, but one similarity between the different religions is that the christian god is comprised of three separate beings as well(father, son, holy spirit). I thought that was interesting.
    Matthew W

  2. Both religions are the same in that respect. They each have the same basic set up, with three entities controlling good, evil, and punishment. The only major difference I see is Christianity has one entity controlling all the areas.
    The advantage Hinduism has over Christianity, in my opinion, is that with the three separate entities, the followers know who to blame for occurrences and why.

  3. One major thing I found appealing in the polytheistic Hinduism belief as opposed to the prudish Hebrew set of laws is its easygoing and almost blissful doctrines. One Hinduism tradition is to 'free the troubles and concerns of everyday existence' but to pertain this freedom to one's self, not necessarily a community under structured law. In turn this allows one's "evils" to be freed from the body and brushed out the door, not swept under a rug and later sweated out to a symphony of forced church hymnals and God's many judging eyes. Even with the two additional gods that go along with traditional Hinduism, it appeared after reading the excerpt in PW that followers of this belief are better able to acknowledge and rid their 'evil' rather than to be diagnosed with that evil which in turn might not ever be "forgiven".

  4. i am a christian so for me this is a bit iffy but one must try to keep an open mind however one thing i find more appealing about christianty is that all 3 entities are embodied a the same person so in theory one person is carrying the workload of 3 whereas each hindu entity is not strong enough to survive as one and carry all that burden a god that can rule and carry all the burdens of the world on himself is a more deserving god in my opinion


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