Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

in response to group 2:17

sorry but the comment box only upload half of the time so i can't always comment on my groups topic, so this is my way of participating in our group discussion.

i think that everyone has a reason to have and keep faith. one prominent view of the Isams is the Qur'an. some theologians defended the centrality of reason in interpreting the Qur'an. the Qur'an has several different layers of meaning. One of which  is the literal meaning evident to all readers and is sccessible through reason and common sense this is known as  the exoteric level. Reason can be used to defend certain thruths made known through revelation. without reason you can not have faith.

1 comment:

  1. "what all of the Enlightenment philosophers did agree on and believe in, however, was reason. through reason, they believed, they would not only tap the basic secrets of nature through science, but they would establish a living parsdise on earth, a society in which there would be no more misery, no more justice." (pg. 80)


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