Up@dawn 2.0

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Group 5 sec 17 The Problem of evil/suffering/pain

Our groups topic is evil/suffering /pain which we discussed for the majority of the class in and out of our groups.... during our group time we talked a lot about the concept of free will as it pertains to this topic. I think we all agree that it explains a lot of why there is evil in the world, and that without some bad events happening in the world, it would be impossible to identify the good.

The test question we came up with is " who was the god that was explicitly designated the god of destruction"
answer-  Shiva

Our open ended question is ...... "Is there truly evil in the world, or merely a segregation from good"?


  1. After asking the second question we must then define what is evil. How do we determine what is "evil"? As a civilized and educated society we all understand that acts such as murder, rape, and child abuse are evil, but what about everything else?

  2. people consider "evil" in many different ways. obviosly rape, and murder are the big ones. But what about the little things that are considered "evil". for example being a hypocrit. in the bible it is said that a hypocrits life in hell is worse than any mans convicted of murder.

  3. it's all perceptual, something can be evil to someone and not to another. it's just depends on the individual

  4. Are there different levels of evil? Or is everything evil considered the same? Some people have different views on whats evil and whats not.

  5. Something that intrigues me is the possibility of connection between evil and then suffering/pain. If you are evil, do you have a better chance of pain/suffering and, if so, do you experience that now or in the "after life" (if you believe in that).

  6. I think Joel has a valid point in that, evil can be a number of different things from great to small. It is all in how it is perceived.

  7. But is a hypocrite really evil or is it only evil because the bible says that he is?

  8. in my opinion being a hypocrite is a form of true evil, to present yourself one way,and act another is wrong in my book. everyone has that one "friend" who pretends to be "friends" with a friend you have. when they are with that common "friend" they are oh so nice, its when they are not around them when you see the true evil. always talking bad about that person and judging them.


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