Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, September 12, 2011

Section 1 Group 1

Last class, our group was unable to meet to discuss our assigned reading. So, I'm posting a few questions that I composed from the reading. Group members, post your questions as well!

Factual Questions:

(These might be too long, but I thought I'd ask them anyways. They could probably be put in a simpler format.)

1. What are the four noble truths of Buddhism?

1. Life is suffering

2. Suffering arises from selfish craving

3. Selfish craving can be eliminated

4. One can eliminate selfish craving by following "the right way"

2. What the the eight parts of the eightfold path of Buddhism?

1. right seeing

2. right thinking

3. right speech

4. right action

5. right effort

6. right living

7. right mindfulness

8. right meditation

Discussion Question:

"Making yourself seem less important is a common religious goal." (From Doubt)

Why do you think this is the case? What does it say about humans' relation to the universe? Also, what are some other similarities between different religions?

P.S. Our group's new name is "Philosophize Me Cap'n!"


  1. I feel like this discussion question ties into the philosophy mentioned in Passion for Wisdom (pg. 39), relating to the soul. I feel like in most modern religious teachings, the Soul is always a main topic of discussion, especially the preservation of the Soul for the "after life." That being said, Passion for Wisdom mentioned two conflicting viewpoints about the soul. In one aspect, the soul is is just as much needed as the body (this is Plato's and Socrates' thinking, I believe) whereas earlier Greeks believed the soul was not really part of the body, but just a "breath" or an animation tool.
    I feel as if one could apply Plato/Socrates' philosophy to this aforementioned discussion question. Quoted in Passion for Wisdom, "...according to Socrates, a truly good man can ultimately suffer no evil, despite physical harm or even death." I feel this is part of an answer to the question "Why do you think this is the case?" If one preserves the Soul, treats the Soul well, makes the Soul MORE important than Self, maybe they have a shot at heaven, or something of the like (but no, I don't really think Socrates was saying this, but something different a more skilled philosopher would understand). The history of some Christian denominations is rooted in giving more to the Church to save themselves, to prepare for heaven. Human are nothing but the carriers of the Soul, so I've heard. Humans relate none to the universe. Because in The End, YOU aren't going anywhere but in a hole or in flames, but your SOUL is. Isn't that what's commonly believed? So naturally, you are less important, you are a mere breath, and the Soul is more than you.

  2. Here are my questions:

    1. Both Buddhists and Jains reject the ______ _______system because it increased human suffering.

    2. The right way to liberation/enlightenment is called the ______ _______.


    1. Hindu Caste
    2. Eightfold Path


    1. Do you believe you'd most relate to the Southern Buddhist way (enlightenment is for few and you should be isolated to be so) or the Northern Buddhist way (everyone must be freed from suffering and spiritual ignorance by sharing insights)? Why? Are other religions more so the former way or the latter? Why do you think that is?


    To be determined....

  3. I have a picture to attach showing our new group logo, but it is being stubborn and not attaching to this page. (Honestly, I just don't know how to attach it).

    The idea of making oneself seem less important creates the sense of inferiority, making the deity or higher being superior over them. This makes it possible to praise this higher being. If people held themselves to the same stature as their higher being, there would not really be a point in having a higher being because they would be able to control and handle everything themselves. This would also mean that they would have to take the blame for things when situations turned bad. By having the outlook of being less important,a separation between the higher being and the mere human is created.

    For those who see themselves as less important, the universe is much bigger than them and they are probably more likely to believe in a higher power along with fate.


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