Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kant 14-2

Kant used a metaphor using glasses. We interpreted that we cant control the world around us, our mind is our filter and we interpret our own realities. There are things about existence and about our world that we do not understand. The ways that we view the world are based on our understanding.
Kant also talked about synthetic knowledge that requires observation. Analytic is knowledge that is irrefutable.
The next chapter talked about morals and about that if we help people out someone because we pity them, then it is morally wrong, but if you help them because it is your duty then it is morally just. We shouldn't help people to benefit ourselves, that isn't right in Kant's eyes as well as our groups.
We questioned whether we should lie or not. I personally want to say that lies should never happen but if im being honest then I cannot say that I don't lie. What is the line between lying for the good and lying for the bad? Kant believes that lying is immoral but our group didn't agree; we generally believed that if you lie for the greater good then it isn't as wrong.
We also thought that he seemed a little OCD. He went on walks at exactly 4:30 every day; people even set their clocks to his walks.


  1. Question:Who was the teacher of Plato? Aristotle or Socrates?

  2. I found that not many agree with what Kant said. Although many of us are taking his writings at face value and I believe that there is more to his writings than what we see. When Dr. Oliver came by and expanded on what Kant said, it seem that he had a greater understanding of what Kant was saying than what we could understand. Maybe I'm not the only one, Kant even said that not many could read his book and keep up with it.

  3. I don't necessarily agree with some of what Kant says. I am a very empathetic person and I cannot abolish all empathy that I feel if someone is in need but I do act because I feel that it is my duty to do something.

  4. I somewhat agree with Kant because I feel if we do something to benefit others out of being helpful and not getting the thanks or reward back, then thats the way we should do things. If we do it just to gain attention and praise upon ourselves, then what's the point of helping?


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