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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The ultimate Exam #1 study guide

Supplement to the earlier study guideExam #1 Qs - study guide

Each section's exam will be based on its own questions. NOTE TO SEC.16: for some reason your questions  came up a little short. I've added a question from PB on Michael Sandel's view of athletes’ use of  Performance Enhancing Drugs, and another on Miranda Fricker's concept of testimonial injustice.

 H01 Group 1 posted an updated version of their top five questions here (http://cophilosophy.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-super-powered-trollface-socrates.html). 

The Super-Powered Trollface Socrates Midterm Study Guide

Mario has his mushrooms...Sonic has his power rings...Goku has his Dragon Balls...


That last post was just for show, a bluff to throw you off our TRUE power! You thought Hemlock was poisonous? Were you sure about that, bro? Did you really know that it was going to kill us?

Trollface Socrates: Still questioning everything from beyond the grave

  1. True or FalseAccording to Rosseau's philosophy, we are free when following the general will, even if we are being forced to follow it.
    Answer: True
  2. Was Pascal only famous for his philosophical beliefs?Answer: No, he also had his feet in mathematics, chemistry, and other academic disciplines.
  3. What is the difference between a Stoic and a Pragmatist?
    Answer: Stoicism advocates for the distrust of the senses, while Pragmatism argues the case for empiricism and science-based discoveries using our senses.
  4. True or False: Boethius was one of the last prominent philosophers of the Roman Empire
    Answer: True
  5. As a Skeptic, Pyrrho believed what?
    Answer: Pyrrho believed that you should doubt anything you hear, because everything can be questioned.


H01 Group 2 FQ's

1. Which ancient philosopher was accused of being "anti-democratic" and of "corrupting the youth"? A: Socrates
2. What philosopher spent his last days writing a philosophy book in prison? A: Boethius
3. Who believed that all humans are selfish, seeking power over others, and driven by fear of death and the hope of personal gain? A: Hobbes
4. Define Rationalism: A: The approach to philosophy that emphasizes reason rather than experiment and observation.
5. What is Kant's definition of a Phenomenal world? A: A world we experience through our senses.


H01 Group 3 FQs

Sorry this has taken me so long!!

1. What is the basic idea behind Aristotle's doctrine of the Golden Mean?

2. What is Eudaimonia, and what philosopher is credited with it's creation?

3. True or False: Kant believed morals and emotions were intertwined. A: False, Kant believed that morals and emotions should be kept separate."

4. John Stuart Mill was ahead of his time in that he was a _______.

5. Which famous Roman emperor did Seneca tutor? 


1. The perfect balance of two vices creating virtues (recall the soldier on the battlefield, whose bravery is somewhere between "foolhardiness" and "cowardice").

2. Eudaimonia is happiness through flourishing or success. The idea is credited to Aristotle.

3. Not what we do but why we do it.

4. Feminist

5. Nero

Exam #1 Factual Questions, Section H1, Group 4

Here are the questions that we have picked that we considered "best-fit" to be on the exam:

1.     Q: ______________ believe that members of minority groups should have the right to lead their lives as they see fit.
        A: Multiculturalists

2.     Q: According to Alexander Nehamas, what is the difference between the values of morality and the values of friendship?

        A: The values of morality depend on commonality while the values of friendship rely on individuality.

3.     Q: Who in Philosophy Bites had the idea that “Philosophy is the name we give to a collection of questions which are of deep interest to us and for which there isn’t any specialist way of answering.”?

        A: Paul Snowdon

4.     Q: Who said "When you're thinking about the infinite, you're thinking about something very basic."
        A: A.W. Moore

5.     Q: Which philosopher stated, "So if I undermine you in your capacity as a knower, then I undermine you in a capacity that is essential for human value?"
        A:Miranda Fricker                                                                                               

14-1 Final Midterm Factual Questions

Here are the 14-1 five factual questions. Enjoy!

1. Whose Philosophy was summarized by these three questions (regarding happiness): 1. What are things really like? 2. What attitude should we adopt to them? 3. What will happen to someone who does adopt that attitude?
A: Pyrrho

2. According to Augustine, how is Original Sin passed down? Briefly explain where Original Sin came from.
A: sexual reproduction; Original Sin came from Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Knowledge, and betraying God.

3. Socrates’ immediate student was _______,  who then taught________?
A: Plato, Aristotle

4. What was the Italian word for "manliness" which Machiavelli believed essential to a successful life?
A: virtù

5. True or false: Pascal’s philosophy could be summed up in this quote: “If you win, you win everything; if you lose you lose nothing”
A: True


14-2 Exam questions

What are the three levels of Plato’s perfect society?
Philosophers (Kings), ___________, and Workers

A: Soldiers

Who was Plato’s teacher?
  1. Aristotle
  2. Pyrrho
  3. Socrates
  4. He didn’t have a teacher
A: c. Socrates

What is the categorical imperative?
A: Kant’s ethical system that is based on duty, not emotions.

True or False. Spinoza believed that God is nature.
A: True

What was the name of the location where Epicurus and his followers met to discuss philosophy?
A: The Garden


Section 14-3

1. Did Socrates have any written accounts on his personal theories?
answer: No! He never actually wrote anything down. Instead he would have conversations with people and targeted who he though were arrogant and undermine their answers.

2. "One swallow doesnt make a summer" - Aristotle

3. "De gustibus non est disputandum" - Simon Blackburn
meaning: there's no disputing about taste. (relativism)

4. James Boswell asked David Hume whether he was worried about what would happen after he died.What was his answer?
answer: he said that he was no more worried about the time after his death than he was about the time he had not existed before his birth.

5. What was the name of Jeremy Bentham's walking cane?
answer: Dapple

6. "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


14-4 Final Midterm Questions

1. What are the two problems in identifying infinity?
Answer: The first, is that infinity itself is something that knows no limits or barriers, so some say it cannot be defined at all. Second, as with many philosophical concepts, the term itself cannot be agreed upon as to HOW to define it.

2. True or False: Alexander Nehamas believed that friendships could be immediate and need no further development.
Answer: False. Nehamas believed that true friendship takes time. You have to know the ins and out of the other person, understand who they are and their differences from us, and still decide to be friends with them.

3. Does being a cosmopolitan mean placing more importance on being a citizen of the world?
Answer: No,  Appiah suggests that one of the best things about his idea of Cosmopolitanism is that while we should share citizenship with everyone, we can and should feel more strongly attached to our local or national community, and identify with others from our own culture.

4.  According to Sandel, what is it we lose the most of when using PEDs in sports?
Answer: The human dimension and the appreciation in athlete themselves, rather than their pharmacist or engineer.

5.  True or False: Wendy Brown believes that tolerance is an important part of equality.
Answer: False. Ms. Brown's view of tolerance is that it implies an inequality that is put up with rather than dealt with.

Links to the blog posts related to the questions:



Top 5 Test Questions.

Sorry Guys I misunderstood I thought I was supposed to bring the questions in on a piece of paper.


1. Who believed, even against all the factual based reasoning behind it, that if a tree falls in a force it makes no noise?

Georges Berkeley

2. What was Pascal's view on religion?

That even if you do not truly believe you should attend the church anyways, you must go through the steps, go through the practices, participate in ceremonies, and eventually you will believe what the religion teaches.

3. Who has been viewed to follow Machiavellian philosophy and what is this philosophy?

Hitler, Stalin, ect. A Philosophy where it can be viewed that violence is a correct and form of leadership because it is far better to be feared then love.

4. Who believed and introduced the idea that we don't know anything? (The stoics view of life.)


5. Who is sacrificed himself, from what we know, for his love of knowledge?


Final Exam Questions 16-2

- The Greek Philosopher _________ believed that the best way to live was in a very simple manor, around friends and those close to you. To avoid pain and create simple desires that could be easily attained on a day to day basis were his main goals. To promote this philosophy he created a commune which came to be known as _________________ in which his students lived, even including slaves and woman.

Epicurus, The Garden

- The philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli wrote a book called ______________ in 1532 which came to have a notorious reputation as it outlines how a leader should rule in a less than honest way, underlining lying, breaking promises and murdering one's enemies.

The Prince

- The philosopher Baruch Spinoza was excommunicated from his synagogue because of his unorthodox views about God. One of his views was that God and ________ were one in the same thing.


- Author of the famous book The Critique of Pure Reason, which is described as overly complicated and dry, this philosopher believe we couldn't know anything about the real world, or the noumenal world, only the phenomenal world which we experience with our senses.

A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. Immanuel Kant
C. David Hume
D. John Locke

- This Philosopher's great influences included both the Buddha and Immanuel Kant. He was quite the pessimist and his most important work was titled  The World as Will and Representation.

A. John Stuart Mill
B. Georg W.F. Hegel
C. Arthur Schopenhauer
D. Jeremy Bentham


  1. kaitlyn bennett 16-22:03 PM CST

    For the exam are we supposed to know all questions from all sections? or just our own class?

  2. Dr. Oliver, sorry, but H01 Group 3 changed Question 3 to "13. True or False: Kant believed morals and emotions were intertwined. A: False, Kant believed that morals and emotions should be kept separate." That, and H01 Group 1 posted an updated version of their top five questions here (http://cophilosophy.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-super-powered-trollface-socrates.html).
    Also, you mentioned that we could bring in a typed extra credit discussion question. That question is our own choice? And approximately how long of an answer would you like?

  3. Thanks, Nathan. A paragraph or two.


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