Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Final Exam Questions 16-2

- The Greek Philosopher _________ believed that the best way to live was in a very simple manor, around friends and those close to you. To avoid pain and create simple desires that could be easily attained on a day to day basis were his main goals. To promote this philosophy he created a commune which came to be known as _________________ in which his students lived, even including slaves and woman.

Epicurus, The Garden

- The philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli wrote a book called ______________ in 1532 which came to have a notorious reputation as it outlines how a leader should rule in a less than honest way, underlining lying, breaking promises and murdering one's enemies.

The Prince

- The philosopher Baruch Spinoza was excommunicated from his synagogue because of his unorthodox views about God. One of his views was that God and ________ were one in the same thing.


- Author of the famous book The Critique of Pure Reason, which is described as overly complicated and dry, this philosopher believe we couldn't know anything about the real world, or the noumenal world, only the phenomenal world which we experience with our senses.

A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. Immanuel Kant
C. David Hume
D. John Locke

- This Philosopher's great influences included both the Buddha and Immanuel Kant. He was quite the pessimist and his most important work was titled  The World as Will and Representation.

A. John Stuart Mill
B. Georg W.F. Hegel
C. Arthur Schopenhauer
D. Jeremy Bentham

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