Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

14-4 Final Midterm Questions

1. What are the two problems in identifying infinity?
Answer: The first, is that infinity itself is something that knows no limits or barriers, so some say it cannot be defined at all. Second, as with many philosophical concepts, the term itself cannot be agreed upon as to HOW to define it.

2. True or False: Alexander Nehamas believed that friendships could be immediate and need no further development.
Answer: False. Nehamas believed that true friendship takes time. You have to know the ins and out of the other person, understand who they are and their differences from us, and still decide to be friends with them.

3. Does being a cosmopolitan mean placing more importance on being a citizen of the world?
Answer: No,  Appiah suggests that one of the best things about his idea of Cosmopolitanism is that while we should share citizenship with everyone, we can and should feel more strongly attached to our local or national community, and identify with others from our own culture.

4.  According to Sandel, what is it we lose the most of when using PEDs in sports?
AnswerThe human dimension and the appreciation in athlete themselves, rather than their pharmacist or engineer.

5.  True or False: Wendy Brown believes that tolerance is an important part of equality.
Answer: False. Ms. Brown's view of tolerance is that it implies an inequality that is put up with rather than dealt with.

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