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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Exam Study Guide for Section H1 (BY NATE TILTON!)

Here is the study guide that Nate Tilton put together for the H1 section! Thank you Nate! I thought that it would be good to put it on here as well just to make sure everyone sees it.

H01 Midterm Exam Prep


Group 1 FQs

1. True or False: According to Rosseau's philosophy, we are free when following the general will, even if we are being forced to follow it.
A: True

2. Was Pascal only famous for his philosophical beliefs?

A: No, he also had his feet in mathematics, chemistry, and other academic disciplines.
3. What is the difference between a Stoic and a Pragmatist?
A: Stoicism advocates for the distrust of the senses, while Pragmatism argues the case for empiricism and science-based discoveries using our senses.
4. True or False: Boethius was one of the last prominent philosophers of the Roman Empire

A: True

5. As a Skeptic, Pyrrho believed what?

A: Pyrrho believed that you should doubt anything you hear, because everything can be questioned.


Group 2 FQ's

6. Which ancient philosopher was accused of being "anti-democratic" and of "corrupting the youth"?

A: Socrates

7. What philosopher spent his last days writing a philosophy book in prison?

A: Boethius

8. Who believed that all humans are selfish, seeking power over others, and driven by fear of death and the hope of personal gain?

A: Hobbes

9. Define Rationalism.

A: The approach to philosophy that emphasizes reason rather than experiment and observation.

10. What is Kant's definition of a Phenomenal world? A: A world we experience through our senses.


H01 Group 3 FQs
11. What is the basic idea behind Aristotle's doctrine of the Golden Mean?

A: Finding the middle ground/way.
What is Eudaimonia, and what philosopher is credited with it's creation?

A: Eudaimonia is happiness through flourishing or success. The idea is credited to Aristotle.
13. True or False: Kant believed morals and emotions were intertwined.

A: False, Kant believed that morals and emotions should be kept separate.
14. John Stuart Mill was ahead of his time in that he was a _______.

A: Feminist
15. Which famous Roman emperor did Seneca tutor?
A: Nero

Group 4
16. ______________ believe that members of minority groups should have the right to lead their lives as they see fit.
A: Multiculturalists

17.  According to Alexander Nehamas, what is the difference between the values of morality and the values of friendship?
A: The values of morality depend on commonality while the values of friendship rely on individuality.
18.  Who in Philosophy Bites had the idea that “Philosophy is the name we give to a collection of questions which are of deep interest to us and for which there isn’t any specialist way of answering.”?
A: Paul Snowdon
19. Who said "When you're thinking about the infinite, you're thinking about something very basic."
A: A.W. Moore

20. Which philosopher stated, "So if I undermine you in your capacity as a knower, then I undermine you in a capacity that is essential for human value?"
A: Miranda Fricker           

1 comment:

  1. Yes, thanks to both Nate and Evan for your diligence. I hope everyone gets a good night's rest, tomorrow should be fun.


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