Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Do you agree with the ancient Greeks that a lasting reputation is "the only kind of immortality for which we may hope"? 
I believe this particular question can be answered several different ways given the several different definitions of immortality among people but I think that human beings need not fancy about immortality and mortality. I'd say the simple answer is to live as though each passing day was your last. The idea of death is what gives one the feeling of being alive. The quotation in the question is phrased to express a negative connotation surrounding death when in fact there is nothing dark or gloomy about it at all. 

I believe hoping for something as bizarre as immortality will only lead to regret and disappointment. As soon as a person understands that he/she has a finite existence, their life will exhibit significance. Although this is extremely arguable in the particular world we live in especially here at MTSU, I think the biggest sin is to falsely suggest there is a such thing as immortality and if you live a certain lifestyle you will be guaranteed it. Simply believing in  immortality is a selfish desire that only harbors adverse characteristics such as greed, impatience, and arrogance.  

I disagree with the ancient greeks about their one form of immortality. If humans didn't waste their time on self-veneration the world would present less evils. Commandments such as respect thy neighbor would become commonplace. Wars would not be fought because no one would feel the need to be a victor. Human beings would be instead of always wanting to be something. Immortality is out of the reach of humans therefore it doesn't need to pondered. There are plenty of tangible questions and problems that should be addressed before something as ludicrous as "immortality."

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