Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Does Movement Alone Help You Think? 


I very much believe that walking has at least some merit when it comes to a person's ability to think. I would not call myself a peripatetic but I do have a tendency to pace while trying to think up solutions for problems or just dreaming up new ideas. I write fiction as a hobby and quite a few of my better ideas have occurred to me while I was pacing around my home. Just something about moving on my own legs (as apposed to other forms of movement such as driving) seems to stimulate the creative juices.

However, when I am walking is not the only time I think up ideas. The other times I often have my "epiphanies" are when I am not doing anything, such as when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep or taking a shower. Which makes me wonder, "is it really the movement of walking that allows people to think, not just philosophically but also creatively, or is it something else?" Perhaps walking has something to do with it, but I know I'm not pacing around while in my tub or while trying to sleep. I know that for me the common denominator between these activities is one thing: I am totally left alone with my thoughts. There are no other distractions. No technology, no people talking to me, nothing. Just me and my thoughts. When I am walking, or resting, or bathing I am not focused on what is going on in the world around me but instead I am focused on what is going on internally. 

So is it really the movement of walking that helps people think? Or rather is it that when a person walks they are also separating themselves from the troubles of the outside world long enough to let their mind speak to them? Maybe even both? 

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