Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, November 23, 2015

(12) Dusty Cantrell - Star Wars and Philosophy (1/3)

      My topic is Star Wars and Philosophy. It is known to be one of the most successful franchises in the history of film. Currently, Star Wars is arguably at the top of popular culture with its new installment coming out next month. The film's main theme focuses on what is called "The Force" and implies that it is unbalanced. There are two sides of the force; one side being the Jedi and the side in opposition is the Sith. Throughout the storyline the Jedi are viewed as good because they are freedom fighters. However, the Sith is consumed with evil. As the great philosopher Augustine said, "There cannot be good without bad." Yoda, one of the most prominent Jedi on the Jedi Council, would definitely agree with Augustine. In Star Wars, the Sith seem to always have the upper hand and the Jedi Council's intentions are to bring balance to "The Force". That is when the Jedi come across the child prodigy Anakin Skywalker. The Jedi Council decides to train him because they believe he has the means to balance "The Force". Inevitably, Anakin gives in to the Sith's tactics in an attempt to save the love of his life and becomes a Sith Lord himself known as Darth Vader. In this process, Anakin had a set of twins that the Jedi Council decided to hide from him now that he has turned rogue. The Jedi Council then believes that Vader's son, Luke is the one in the prophecies to bring balance to the force. Luke gets his training and goes on a journey of his own and finds out that Darth Vader is his father. Luke, in an attempt to bring back the balance to The Force, engages in a light saber duel with Darth Vader. Luke is then attacked and almost killed by the leader of the Sith, Senator Palpatine/The Chancellor. Darth Vader decides to save his son and kills the Chancellor. In the end, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader was the one who fulfilled the prophecy and brought back the much-needed balance to the force.

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