Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, March 30, 2020

The NEW new normal

“Are you talking about the new normal of an hour ago, 
or is there a new new normal right now?” NY'ker

(As Carl Sagan said, in our time the pace of change is quickening.)


  1. You know, one thing is for sure. I can't ever keep up with this generation. What I though was popular yesterday can quickly to old news the next day. I honestly believe is because of how we are able to obtain information using phones and laptops....
    But think about this, isn't it funny how some things that were popular then (in out times ex: fashion, hairstyles, some music), are now considered "new" and popular? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Hey Edwin,
      I agree with your struggle of not being able, "keep up with this generation." I feel like this is mostly due to gen Z's inability to find contempt in doing what they love or find comfort in as apposed to fitting in. #11

  2. Conner Schmitz5:07 PM CDT

    This "new normal" of being stuck in isolation for the past couple weeks has taken a bit of getting used to; but at least it's given me plenty of time to catch up on all the reading for the class... aha

    1. "All the reading" - the average LH assignment is a few pages of large print, the average FL assignment a few pages of slightly smaller print. You've not seen anything yet. If this has seemed like a lot, I recommend getting a jump-start on our next book (Kaag's "American Philosophy: A Love Story").

  3. I feel like this post is super relevant to what’s going on today. With the current COVID crisis, it feels like everything is happening at light speed. Section 6


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