Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Something to Think About.


  1. Let's not just think about it, let's do it -- the second part at least, the learning part... I'm not sure we should always live as if tomorrow were our terminal day, what then would be our incentive to think long-term about the health of the planet we're passing along to our children?

    1. Great point! I think it is important to find balance in life. If we learn as if we will never die then we may lack a sense of urgency, and if we live as if we will die tomorrow we may not be pragmatic. On the other hand, if we live as if we will die tomorrow then we may take advantage of things we otherwise would have passed on, and if we learn as if we will never die then we may forget to live. Balance seems to be a common and important theme in life. #11

    2. The book we're reading in my Atheism & Philosophy course right now, "This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom," makes that very point. Our lives gain meaning and purpose through the perception of urgency. If we thought we had eternity ahead of us, he argues, our lives would become devalued and we'd be bored out of our skulls. We are finite, time is finite, we must make what we can of the limited time we have. That's how we make our lives worth living.

    3. Thinking outside the box. I respect that

  2. That's so appealing but so difficult. If today was my last day I most definitely would not be doing my online school work, I would be soaking up moments with my loved ones. But I guess if I was continuously living like that I would have already done so and I would have a feeling of contentment. This makes me think of the movie "About Time" where the main character can travel back in time and he eventually realizes that it's better to live everyday how you would if you had already lived it 10 times and this was the peak of learning how to make the most of that one day. Great movie, it's on Netflix. I digress, Gandhi gives a tall order here, but I think like anything it just takes practice.

    1. If this were my last day I can't think of what I'd rather be doing than sitting here engaging with students, my dog Pita asleep on my lap, and my wife and younger daughter playing cards in the adjoining room. It's a pretty good day, as quarantines go!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This quote is somewhat true because of you live as there’s no tomorrow nothing will Apply to you and that’s dangerous but you should definitely learn as if you will live forever

    1. What if there was ONLY today, every day? (I'm thinking of Bill Murray's "Groundhog Day"...) I think we do best when we live each day with a comprehension of the long past behind us and anticipation of the long future we hope awaits our loved ones and our descendants, if not ourselves.

    2. I feel you on that fam

  4. Humans should always strive to learn as much as possible before that fateful day comes around. Life would be boring if we didn't learn anything.

    1. Every soul will taste death. Live life to the fullest!


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