Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

8-Bit Philosophy: Can We Be Certain of Anything?

I've recently fallen in love with Wisecrack's 8-Bit Philosophy series. The animation and sound effects remind me of the old Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games I used to play as a kid. But on top of the neat idea for a series, there's some useful information here laying out Descartes' skeptic idea of not completely trusting your senses. Enjoy!


  1. Don't trust your senses, he says, UNTIL you've convinced yourself that (1) a good god exists and is no deceiver, and (2) god wouldn't allow you to have clear and distinct ideas that were false. Those of us who have problems with both of these propositions have nothing better to fall back on, or to trust, than those fallible senses. Bottom line, then: Cartesian certainty is certainly elusive, for mere mortals such as us.

    1. From a secular perspective, this theory has got me thinking of the philosophy The Matrix, or Descartes' idea of a "fiendish demon" creating a false reality to trick us into accepting an illusion as normal. Then nothing but your thought could be trusted ever—and even that might be a stretch. Couldn't this fiend—possibly a intelligent machine with bad intentions—feed our brain's synapses with advanced technology that could simulate thought? Would our thoughts be our own if they were influenced by another force?

      This is getting into deeply science-fiction-y territory, but it becomes a pretty interesting—and maddening—concept to entertain. (Especially when you're driven a bit crazy by social isolation!)

  2. I really enjoyed the way they presented everything in an easy to grasp way using the 8- Bit style art!

  3. I really liked this video, it was a little more digestible and kept my attention.

  4. If a requirement for knowing that you exist is that have attained sentience then I can see how we would never really know. If it is not a requirement then I would submit that we are potentially being controlled by something outside ourselves and are thinking, perhaps only what we are allowed to think, But nonetheless existing. Am I wrong? #11

    1. Despite the fact that we might think we are in control of our lives, The universe is controlling everything, just a little bit of cosmic philosophy.

  5. The perspective that he shares about God is something I have not heard before. I believe that there is something that controls us, whether it is a force or a pre-determined destiny, I am not sure yet.
    Section #5

    Weekly Scorecard 3/31-4/2:
    Mar 30 - Posted an article "Interesting opinion of what is happening in the world."

    Mar 31 - Posted a comment on "Happy Birthday Rene"

    Mar 31 - Posted a reply on my own post "Interesting opinion of what is happening in the world"

    Mar 31 - Posted a comment on "Be critical"

    Apr 2 - Posted a comment on "My thoughts on COVID-19"

    Apr 2 - Posted a comment on "John Oliver - The Decline of American Empire"

    Apr 2 - Posted a comment on "Sidd Finch: Unbelievable"

    Apr 2 - Posted a comment on "8 Bit Philosophy"

    8 bases = 2 runs

  6. The aesthetic of this video reminds me of the game Shovel Knight. Even the music is super similar. I think it's a neat way to talk about philosophy. It certainly caught my attention more than other videos.

  7. this video was really enjoyable as well. and i fell like im going to revert to this clip for answers.

  8. The video was fun to watch because of the way it was presented but what I wanna know is since we can’t trust our senses what should we trust?

  9. Section 5
    I always enjoy things like this that make learning appealing to different kinds of people. This was such an interesting video.

    weekly scorecard summary:
    March 30th- comment on "only boring people get bored" post by Malcolm
    April 2nd-
    comment on Hannah Arendt post
    comment on perspective post by Malcolm
    comment on March 31st quiz/discussion post
    comment on April 2nd quiz/discussion post
    posted link under April 2nd quiz
    comment on "my thoughts on covid-19" post
    comment on 8-bit Philosophy

    8 runs=2 bases


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