Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, March 2, 2020

In Greek, pan means "all" and theos means "god."

Image result for what is the meaning of the term pantheism comics


  1. Right: insurers often act as if they subscribe to Spinoza's pantheism, though few of them probably ever heard of it!

    1. But seriously, it's not a small distinction to note that for pantheists it isn't merely that everything's an ACT of God, everything's God. Period.

    2. In my experience, this belief has served as warrant for them to interfere in the lives of others. All the while forgetting about the “free will” they so adamantly defend.

  2. I didn’t get what was going on but in my opinion I believe that everything is God’s will

  3. If something or someone is controlling how you can live your life then that is not "free will". The power in thinking however you want is stronger than any physical capabilities to me.

  4. Section 6

    Some higher behind everything that happens, indirectly or directly.

  5. I would hope that this was not the case in policy making.

  6. This reminds me of a myth I heard about recently. It was about a knight called Sir Isumbras who didn’t give enough thought to God, so God decided to give him bad fortune. It was very similar to the biblical story of Job in that a bunch of insane/supernatural stuff happened that took away all of his possessions and then his family. Isumbras goes through the whole story, dealing with all that was happening to him since it was an act of god and doesn’t try to stop any of it. Eventually, he goes to Jerusalem during the crusades which was apparently enough to redeem him and he’s reunited with his family.


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