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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Quiz & Discussion Questions - Stoicism & Epicureanism Section 6: Max, Olivia, and Hayden

Stoicism & Epicureanism

Quiz Questions:

  • What is the title of Marcus Aurelius’ famous work of Stoic thought?
  • What is the name of the Stoic philosopher who served as Nero’s political advisor?
  • What was Epictetus’ “small manual” on how to live?
  • What did Epicurus believe happened to the soul after death

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you think you could benefit from adopting Stoic principles into your life? How would your daily situation change?
  • Do you agree that one can improve morally without assistance from a greater being? Or do we as people need a greater being to know what to improve on?
  • What proof is there of an afterlife and is it trustworthy?


  1. Summary

    Epictetus was born a slave in Turkey in 55 AD, learned about philosophy in private study, and when eventually freed from slavery, began teaching in Rome and later Greece. His teachings are centered around findig peace with what you are able to control and also what is outside of it, while also promoting self-cultivation and a love for humanity. He encourages us to set an example for others and live with strong morals and character. His most famous set of teachings can be found in Echiridion.

  2. Summary

    Epicureanism was a philosophy founded by Epicurus. This philosophy embraces that pleasure and happiness is the main goal of life. Epicureanism thus means devoted to pleasure, comfort, and high living with a certain nicety of style. Will go further into discussion on Epicurus and his beliefs.


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