Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Opening Day, part 2

This crazy semester & This Life (U@d): LISTEN... Look at the quiz, post your thoughts.


  1. Should have my quiz answers posted sometime today!

  2. Conner Schmitz10:44 AM CDT

    didn't put my name, oops. Stay safe professor!

    1. Thanks, Conner. You don't have to post quiz answers unless you really want to, but I would especially like for everyone to post comments on the readings, discussion questions, classmates' posts etc.

      Stay safe too!

    2. Good to know! I wasn't 100% on what to do with all these quiz answers aha.

      I've been attempting to get on the site as much as possible in my "quarantine", but it's been fruitful to catch up on the reading!

    3. Good to know! I wasn't 100% on what to do with all these quiz answers aha.

      I've been attempting to get on the site as much as possible in my "quarantine", but it's been fruitful to catch up on the reading!

  3. Looks like a lovely quarantine hideout with the pets. As the weather slowly gets nicer, it is a shame we are not peripatetically walking on campus. What a crazy time to live through!

    1. One day soon I'll make a peripatetic recording and encourage others to get out there and perhaps do likewise. But I recommend staying away from parks and greenways at peak times, I pedaled over to Percy Warner Park Sunday afternoon and it appeared that half of Nashville was out there walking. The open air is great for curing claustrophobia but we all need to spread out!

  4. Being under quarantine and a transition to online classes all over the world! 2020 is looking great right about now!


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