Up@dawn 2.0

Friday, March 27, 2020

Appreciate every moment, then fear disappears


  1. This quote makes me think of the Law of Attraction, which i believe everyone should practice in their daily lives.

    1. With all due respect, I think the Law of Attraction is (in the late Douglas Adams's phrase) a load of dingo's kidneys... which means I do not believe that you can always "attract" that which you've first creatively visualized. However, it is still good to maintain a positive mental attitude. I DO believe better things happen in the lives of those who habitually do so.

      But it's not a "law" that they must. Otherwise we have to blame the victims of misfortune for violating the law and bringing it down on themselves. We shouldn't blame victims.

  2. I don't think fear every really disappears, but it can be managed and sometimes channeled constructively. "Feel the fear and do it anyway," as the self-help book prescribed.

    Edwin, I had to shrink your image. Too big for the page.

    Everyone, if you see that an image you're posting is too wide, shrink it please.

  3. This kind goes with the quote “what goes around goes around” ,but I don’t believe it’s always the case. I know there are people that try to be grateful even through their hardships but nothing good ever came out of it.


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