Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Speaking of movies

This isn't on the list, but one of my favorite philosophical moments in film is this...

and this.

We're all the whale, when we philosophize. "Who am I? What is my purpose in life? What does the future hold?" Etc.

And we're going to get meaningless answers to our questions, if the questions are too vague and imprecise. 

Anybody care to suggest other philosophically relevant films that won't remind us of plague?

1 comment:

  1. I recently watched The Seventh Seal by the great Ingmar Bergman and felt that it had a deep philosophical connection with the finality of death. Death in the movie is personified and plays a game of chess with a crusader who's just returned from war. While the crusader attempts to flee from the grasp of death, the ending takes him and his comrades he's gathered along his journey to the great unknown. I highly recommend it for it's portrayal of such a perplexing issue that's concerned man from the beginning.


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