Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, November 13, 2014

How to get Microsoft Office Professional Plus at no cost

A public service announcement from Billy:

Since MTSU is using Office 365 for MTMail, the opportunity for students to download and install Microsoft Office directly from their MTSU email accounts is available.  This is a free to the user process and is included with your student account.  You don't need to settle for the trial version, or starter pack.  Most importantly, don’t pay for this software you will need when you don’t have to.   

Here are the steps to put MS Office on your personal computer.

1.  Log into your MTSU email account using your full MTSU email address (example: abc1a@mtmail.mtsu.edu ) and password at http://mtsu.edu/mtmail   

2.  Once you reach the inbox screen, in the top right corner, next to your name, will be a cog/sprocket icon, click on it and a menu should drop down.

3.  Select Office 365 settings and a new page will open.

4.  Of the choices in Office 365 settings, select software (Install and manage software).

5.  From here you can select Office 365 (MS Office 2013 with online storage and web editing) or down at the bottom, they allow you to select Office Professional Plus 2010 if you don’t want the latest version.  Language and Version should be English and 32-Bit.

6.  When asked to register or authenticate your version of Office, use your MTSU email address and password.  You will be able to install five instances on different devices.

1 comment:

  1. This really helped ive been looking to get microsoft office for a while now, thanks!


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