Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Confuciousm, Taoism, and Mo (11/2)

Today we had a short discussion about what Taoists think about the world, and how they believe that all is done harmoniously. The Taoists feel that rulers did not rule, the wise rulers are the ones who rule as little as possible. With all that being said our group pretty much summarized that when you lead it should be from what you feel and instincts, not what you are taught from a textbook. Basically you should follow your common sense not necessarily what others say is right.

The Chinese needed a harmonious society in order to understand philosophy. Also they felt that the sole end of ethics as the promotion of a harmonious society. With all this being said human beings can be influenced by their circumstances around them; they cannot control them or secure their success or failure.

1. According to Confucius, what is the single most important virtue in a society?
Answer: Good leadership pg 23
2. Would you agree with Mencius about human beings being naturally good or Hsun Tzu, that human beings are naturally bad?


  1. I agree that it is through instincts and feelings, not taught from a textbook.

  2. I love the comparison of Taoism to Winnie the Pooh. He lives such a simple life, having no worries. Taoism is based on harmony and happiness. Life should just be fun. They believed that governments got in the way of human happiness by hindering individual's spontaneity. This leads to the idea of teachers not simply "teaching" but "acting naturally" to lead one to acquire their own knowledge. Lao Tzu recognized the greatest virtue as non-action.

    Confucianism is pretty much the other side of Taoism. They believed the most important virtue to be good leadership. They thought more wholly, in terms of society, whereas Taoist focused more on the individual first.

    To answer the discussion question, I would like to think that humans are naturally good. However, I believe it all depends on the environment in which you are born and events and changes that shape your life.

    Questions for next time:
    What is a major theme of the Stoics? ["Life is tough" pg 44]
    They state that "even love and friendship can be dangerous", how do you feel about this? Could you really go through all of life with limited attachments?

  3. I definitely agree with Hsun Tzu that humans are naturally bad, "with innate tendencies to peruse personal gain and pleasure." I believe this is one reason why people look for answers from a higher power or religion. Also by doing so, they admit and justify the evilness of human nature.
    Questions for next time
    What did the stoics believe about emotion? Answer: Emotions are irrational judgments that make us frustrated and unhappy. (pg 44)
    What aspects of the Stoics believe do you agree with? In what ways are the Stoics beliefs like the Taoists beliefs?

  4. I agree with Maryum in thy humans are naturally bad. I, too, believe that this is one of the reasons people look for a higher power.
    Questions: One famous Stoic was the Emperor of all Rome. Who was it?
    2. Do you side with reason or emotion?

  5. I likes the yin and yang discussion (26) being like the dark side and the sunny side reminds me of star wars. You can't have the bad without the good. It's harmony in a complicated sense from what the Taoist says that they sort of coincide. The whinnie the pooh analogy is interesting as well. Such a simple life and basic needs and worries can make someone reach that nirvana state we talked about last week!

  6. The unknown is me Tyler. Just saying :)


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