Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, January 23, 2012

Special Group 6 Section 8 with Nathan Pate, Elisha Hartley, Curtis Barker & Justin Jackson

Nathan Pate
Factual Q: The earliest doubt on historical record was _______________ years ago, which makes doubt older than most faiths. (Doubt Intro xxi)

Factual A: Twenty-six hundred

Interesting Q: Do we feel "possessed" when we love someone we did not intend to? (Doubt Intro xvi)

Interesting A: Yes.I think this is a very cool discussion possibly.


  1. Factual A: Twenty Six Hundred

    Interesting A: Yes, because if we did not intend on loving someone but some how fell for them there is obviously some kind of attracting force that is possessing us to love them.

  2. Interesting A: Well i don't see how you can, "intend to love somebody." Love just happens. But, I do believe that you should enter relationships with an open mind and let it happen.


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