Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, January 19, 2012

(11) Democritus-- Group 3

Today, our group began our discussion on Democritus, and his belief that everything in the universe is made from atoms. The dicussion branched off into the group's feelings and thoughts about the accuracy and/or reality of the astrological horoscopes and the characteristics associated with each.
As this discussion continued, the conversation branched further into questioning the logic behind what is real and factual, and comparing that with what we are taught and led to believe. From the reading on Democritus, we formulated the following questions:

a. According to Democritus, what is the logic of atomism?

b. Dos astrology play a significant part in your faith, or belief about yourself?


  1. What led Democritus to this revelation of existence?

    What effect did his revelation have on the rest of the world?

  2. Democritus's atomism is the thought that everything ages and decays. And I believe that astrology plays a part in my faith because when i look at the stars and everything else i can not imagine that a higher power had a part in making all this.

  3. I agree with steelcity on the thought that everything ages and decays to being the meaning and no the stars dont play a role in my religion because astronomy taught me were stars come from and how they age and eventually die like us humans and because of my knowledge of stars, i dont believe they have to do with religion.

  4. I feel the knowledge of starts thing. When people had astronomy playing large roles in their beliefs, they knew little about it. Now that we know more, astronomy plays little in peoples religion. Possibly as we come to know about our world and the universe, we'll move from religion entirely.

    1. How did some of the Stoics look at God, compared to the others?

    2. Do you feel as though we're all just playing out part?

  5. I agree with Cody's final statement. At this point, religion appears to me as something that people need to follow in order to have some sort of closure about existence. However, I do enjoy entertaining the thought of astronomy and religion being connected in some way.

  6. Democritus essentially stated that everything ages and decays. Astrology plays no part in my religious views.

  7. Astrology doesn't play a particularly significant role in my faith, however I feel the same way that Alex feels because i do entertain the thought of a connection between astrology and faith.


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