Up@dawn 2.0

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Section 8-Group2 (from Tamara)

Okay, I'm not sure if people actually know what group number they are because, we are section 8 group 2. 

Last class we talked about Hinduism, their gods being related to humans.  We had a nice little spat about whether or not it is a selfish religion becauseyou are trying to achieve nirvana for yourself.  We also talked about, good vs. evil, God vs. Devil, Is there a heaven or hell??? Alrighty then..... YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT :)))

(PS- if you don't know, post something we talked about last class, post a factual question, post a discussion question, and discuss for a bit)


  1. In my opinion, if you believe in Heaven you have to believe in hell. The concept of heaven and making it there requires a rejection of hell. The Bible clearly states that hell exists and hell is even acknowledged and described in the Bible. Also, I don't think attempting to reach a state of "Nirvana" would be considered selfish. It would almost be necessary in order to have peace and be able to teach Hinduism without causing conflict within yourself.

    Factual Question: Confucianism deals with mainly "social concern" or "individual enlightenment"?

    Discussion Question: In many philosophical traditions "eternity" plays a major part. Why is this?

  2. I agree with Khendal on this one. Everything in this world has an opposite. The opposite of Heaven is Hell. I see Nirvana in the Hinduism faith a mirrored image of achieving acceptance into heaven in the christian faith. I do not see it as selfish. It is for the benefit of yourself but does not impact anyone else.

  3. I just realized that my other post didn't go through and my keyboard is still wanky so bear with me.....
    I completely agree with the what y'all said about heaven and hell. To me it just doesn't make sense any other way. I think that having an opposite is just the nature of things and to being. atoms have positive and negatives, nature has fire an d water....life and death, even taoism has yin and yang. With regards to hinduism being a selfish religion, I mostly agree with that statement. A Passion for Wisdom states, "This basic concern with person pervades Indian philosophy, and it is evident in the perpetual concern for the self, t he soul, and the true nature of the individual person." With the focus on meditation and your own personal path to Brahma; I think those a re excellent examples on why it's a bit selfish. Also how in India the caste system is a main pillar of the religion and culture. Once you're in it you stay at the level you are born into and you 're not supposed to do anything about it even if it alienates you???? I think that's pretty selfish personally...
    Factual Q: What two words define the Taoist notion of the "cycle of change"
    Answer: Yin and Yang
    Discussion Question: Are you in agreement with Hsun Tzu or Confucians? Are humans inherently good or inherently evil?

    1. Alrighty, so hopefully this is appearing as a comment, although it might be a reply. Anyway, I agree with Tamara in that Hinduism is rather selfish. I can understand the need to have peace within one's self, but that doesn't necessarily necessitate that one must strictly focus on the self. I believe that in living and striving and working with others, you find out more about yourself than you could isolated or mostly isolated from society.

      Q: Which people follow the realist tradition Nyaya and reject the notion that the everyday world is an illusion?
      A: Nyayayikas.

      discussion:In your opinion, which philosophy or religion is the most appealing and/or logical?

  4. I would have to say I agree with Kendal also on the Heaven and Hell. It just makes logical sense to have a opposite to such a positive reward as heaven. But Its just one of those concepts that just doesnt add up for everybody which is fine, because we have the right to form our own ideas, and theories. But I would like to say Tamara I like your reponse paragraph with the yin and yang, fire to water idea that was well put. Factual Q Idk what to put.... Theres not a spiritual concept of heaven in Hinduism? Answer: Yes and No??
    Discussion Q: Do you believe that you can achieve Nirvana in your own life even if its considered to be a selfish un-just reward?

  5. I hope i did that right but ah Its all good .

  6. I am thinking the same as all of you seem to think, that you cannot accept the idea of heaven without the belief in hell. The two go hand in hand and you can't have one without the other. It is hard to imagine that heaven is a place where everyone goes, no matter what kind of life you lived here on Earth. It just blows my mind that some choose to not believe in either a heaven or hell, when the evidence of God is all around you.
    Factual Question: What does the Sanskrit word for "philosophy" mean?
    Answer: "Seeing"


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