Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Section 8 Group 2

Hey guys!!! It was awesome meeting you all and we are going to have some awesome discussions!!!!
Sorry I'm po0sting this so late, but I just got my email invite today.
Here's the question we agreed on posting on Monday.

Example:  When the twin towers were hit during 9/11, some people jumped out of the windows instead of staying in the buildings.  Was this considered suicide???

Don't forget to read up on the Illumnati! :)
Also don't forget to post your factual questions and discussion questions.


  1. Factual Question: Trueorfalse-is JMH's
    believer or not?

  2. Like I said during discussion I don't think jumping from a building thats burning down to me itsnt suicide regardless of the situation. To answer that question about the DOubt Quiz I would say yes according to JMH's point of view

  3. Factual Question: What is the "Vedas", related to Hinduism?

    Discussion Question: What is your take on the Hindu belief of a trinity of Gods and Godesses making up one God?

  4. I agree with Khendal, that I don't think this would be considered suicide if death is certain either way. Also i read a little on the Illumnati, and I am not one who believes in all of these conspiracy theories that we hear about these days, I will say that if the Illumnita is real,I doubt Beyonce, Kanye West, or even Kobe Bryant is a part of them. I mean if this is a secret society that has been existing for years and no one can actually prove 100% that they exist, than how would we know who is in it?

  5. So for some reason my keyboard isacting funnyso hopefully youunderstandwhat I'mtrying to say. If you aregoingtolook at it from a "spiritual"point of view, onecan arguethat itissuicide. Maybe it wasn'tyour "path" or "destiny"to die atall. Maybe youweresupposedto die in that way becauseit servedsome purpose, ormaybe you wouldhave survived deathif youhad stayed put and let the inevidable happen.....food forthought. But if you weretolookat thescenariofrom astrictlystraight forward andatheistpoint ofview, death is death, itwouldn't really beconsideredsuicide I guess. And ifyouknew for certain you weregoing to die, wouldn't youwantiton your own terms??? Butnothing in this world iscertain, and if itwere, there wouldn't be a bookcalledDoubt....

  6. Factual question:Whatis theArabic definition of Hindu?

  7. Discussion question: Couldit bearguedthat Hinduism(andall branchesincludingBuddism Jainism) is a selfish religion?

  8. Hey you guys I would have to say I have enjoyed what I have read you guys are doing it big. So I would have to say based on what I read I feel that its rather unknown on rather it was wrong or right for the indiviuals to jump or to sit and die. I know based off of what I have been taught in my life I dont believe that I could jump. Mainly because Im afraid of heights... so yeah. Oh, and on the Illumanti.... I cant really say my opinion on here because they might be reading this as I post so... Im just going to leave it at that, and hope they dont kill me in my sleep tonight. Well see you guys tomorrow.

  9. Oh and I like this posting blog stuff its kind of cool

  10. I said in discussion that staying inside the building and not fighting for your life could be seen as a form of suicide. I actually feel like jumping out of the windows is the only unknown possibility to survive. If they stayed in the burning tower, they were guaranteed death. They were almost guaranteed death by jumping also but not as certain as staying in the building. I think that jumping was the only means of a possible survival.


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