Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Section 14 Group 3 Summary from 9/13/12

Again, sorry this is so late! I'll get back on  my game soon I promise! Last Thursday we talked about Seneca. Basically, he says that life isn't too short, like many others believe, we just don't make the most of the time we do have. Seneca also says that the most fruitful way to live is to spend your days  studying philosophy. We did not agree with this, but we also decided that theories on how to live a fruitful life change based on who you talk to.

1 comment:

  1. Kendall Martin 1412:51 PM CDT

    New questions:

    What did Aquinas believe was "the uncaused cause of everything that is?"

    Explain the First Cause Argument of Aquinas and why he says there can't be an infinite regress.


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