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Monday, September 10, 2012

Hakuna Matata section 19 group 3 Blackburn

We began the discussion with what the relevance was to subjectivism. Someone suggested subjectivism was believing your own thing and not arguing. Moral relativism is agreeing to disagree. Though we established that its completely different for different cultures. Blackburn said that he thought you needed the argument to decide which way to live your life. We also thought Blackburn was saying with simple disagreements like mint toothpaste then it can be used. Though on bigger subjects like moral relativism doesn't  work because it doesn't help anything. We continued to try and define the difference in relativism and subjectivism. We found that subjectivism was a matter of taste. Moral relativism is to each his own. We then talked about Blackburn's quasi-realistic view. We defined that Blackburn believed there should be a disagreement in order to decide the best way to live their life. We then bagan to discuss weather we personally believed in moral relativism. We tried to decide if there is a line where moral relativism is okay and when it is to far for more serious ideas such as murder. Can there be a line when so many people think differently, the best you could do is argue your own points. We went back to culture and religion and how some cultures just cant expect how other cultures live. Not everyone will agree with one set idea. There will always be someone who disagrees. Though moral relativism doesn't solve anything. Subjectivism relates to just because you have different views doesn't mean there going to change their ideas. An example that Blackburn gave of the impractical ideas of moral relativism was that some believe that torturing babies is okay. Therefore Blackburn believed on bigger issues moral relativism and subjectivism does not solve anything, and conflict is needed and being relativistic is impractical. Towards the end we reviewed the ideas of the other readings.


  1. Our discussion really helped me understand how subjectivism played into relativism.

    Questions on Seneca:
    Factual-what was Seneca's philosophy about learning not to care?
    Discussion-Seneca believed the best way to live was away from other people and studying philosophy. Though is this really living at all if you are alone?

  2. Megan White10:50 PM CDT

    Our discussion was interesting to me to think about how moral relativism and subjectvism can play roles in arguements and debates that people may have. And to understand that sometimes people may never come to an agreement or a right and wrong answer especially when it comes to bigger moral debates, you may not be able to come to an agreement and it can all relate to your background, culture and different ways of life.

    Factual Question: What was Cicero's attitude on ageing?
    Discussion: The Stoics believed that you should aim for a calm state of mind, and to do so you should remove your emotion. Emotions, they say, are a matter of choice and can be controlled. If we removed our emotions wouldn't that be ignoring our problems and not dealing with things or situations in life that might be difficult or too hard? I think that emotions can be controlled to a certain extent, but to remove them all together seems impossible and that it would hurt you rather than help.

  3. Trevor Broaddus10:42 AM CDT

    Our last discussion was very thought-provoking. I felt i got a lot out of our conversation, mostly with regards to subjectivism and relativism, both of which i find very intriguing.

    factual - What was a negative mentioned on Stoicism and its practices, regarding emotions?
    discussion - How does Cicero's philosophy on growing older relate to the ideas of Stoicism?

  4. Bre Payne11:01 AM CDT

    I think we had a very interesting discussion trying to differ between relativism and subjectivism. Though for me it was a bit hard to understand the difference between them. I took it as that relativism is what makes you choose the things you choose and subjectivism is your personal choice in the matter.

  5. Our Last Discussion Was very confusing for me but I got the concept of what sudjectivism and relativism is now..


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