Up@dawn 2.0

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Section 14 Group 3 Summary

So so so sorry this took so long to post! Last Thursday, we continued our discussion on Aristotle. We struggled with finding more information on him and found ourselves just repeating the information we discussed on Tuesday.

We did talk about a few quotes that we found online that related to other topics from the book.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." This ties into Aristotle's theory that happiness or success is not a single moment, but a combination of things over a lifetime.
"He who has overcome his tears will be truly free." This quote goes with Aristotle's Golden Mean theory. The book gave an example of this idea: courage is not the absence of fear but having the power to deal with it and face that fear anyway.


  1. Kendall Martin 148:23 PM CDT

    I think we've got Aristotle pretty much covered, so I have nothing else to say on that subject. So questions for Tuesday...

    True or false, subjectivism is a variety of relativism.

    Simon Blackburn questioned, "can we defend the idea of one single moral truth in the face of all this diversity? Or is the diversity a sign that there isn't really a single moral truth, rather as people think, in matters of taste, that there isn't a single truth?" Which do you think is correct?

  2. Ashley Delancey (14)10:50 PM CDT

    Well moving forward... Questions...

    ~How do you feel about Blackburns remark in regards to imposing our will on other because because we feel our choice is the better choice?
    ~true or false Is Blackburn known as a quasi-realist because of his views on relativism?


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